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Versiunea Romana
Deuterium Depleted Water - DDW

Deuterium is a natural, stable hydrogen isotope, with atomic mass 2 (one proton and one neutron). In nature there is a 1 deuterium to 5000 hydrogen ratio. regular water is generated by combining two hydrogen atoms with one oxygen atom (H2O). When deuterium is combined with oxygen the heavy water results (D2O) (deuterium being also
known as heavy hydrogen), with negative biological effects. The water from which the stable hydrogen isotope deuterium was extracted is known as extra-light water or deuterium depleted water, with spectacular biologic effects.

In regular surface water, exists a 16.82 mM concentration of deuterium containing water molecules, which represents approximately 150 parts per million = 150 ppm. Deuterium Depleted Water - DDW is a specially created water, designed in laboratories, with spectacular biologic effects, having a deuterium concentration of 25+-5 ppm.
Deuterium Depleted Water - DDW is an aquatic product of absolute novelty, designed in Romania using a separation-purification isotopic procedure, imagine by Romanian researches and awarded with Golden Medals and Diplomas in some of the most famous scientific discoveries fares in London, Brussels, Geneva etc.

Deuterium Depleted Water intervention in the use of glucose, cholesterol and lipids, its involvement in energetic cellular metabolisms and in controlled epidermal proliferation stated DDW as a first hand active ingredient, absolutely new, used for designing an original cosmeceutical products line, Deuteria Lux, based on a revolutionary technology and
displaying amazing results.

Deuterium Depleted Water - DDW - is non toxic and may be used as dinner water, fulfilling all legal requisites for drinkable water, or may be as well applied on the interest area.

Plant maintained in
Depleted Deuterium Water for two weeks

Plant maintained in
normal water for two weeks